First off I have to let you know that all of the advice I didn't want to hear and follow was exactly what has helped me the most. Patience is a huge key to loosing weight, especially since slow weight loss is ideal, and controlling what I eat IS what works best for me. I have found a few things that have helped me the very most along the way. Turns out exercise is important, dang it! However for me at my age exercise is just being a little more active, I don't hit the gym but I do walk more. I found out that along with portion control eating whole grains, more vegetables and fruit were my make it or break it. By adding a molyunsaturated fat, such as nuts, olive oil, avocado and dark chocolate to name
a few, with each meal helps me stay fuller longer which helps me control my portions. Of course I have cut out white flour, sugar and sugar substitutes as much as possible and switched from white potatoes to sweet potatoes. One other life saver which has helped in curbing my appetite and satisfy my sweet tooth is finding the protein shake I drink every day. SLIM SMART from Grandma's Herbs is the best I have found, and believe me I have lots of dusty containers of other brands on my shelf. If it doesn't taste good and have a smooth texture I won't drink it, period. I don't care how good it's supposed to be for me. That is why I was so excited to find SLIM SMART. Along with the great flavor and texture it is one of the most nutritious meal replacements I have found. In fact it was recommended to me by a dietitian. As you can see by my two pictures in my not so flattering mu mu, I have lost at least 50 pounds. It has taken me a year, but at 4'10" I think that is quite a feat! But most importantly is how I feel and the attitude I have at being at my healthy ideal weight. I am finally in control and loving how I feel. My husband even bought me some of those "fancy pocket jeans" as he calls them for Christmas. Who would have thought I would ever fit into those, I love it! I am also loving that I no longer let my weight control me, but finally after all these years, I am in control of my weight!!"

Mahala Healey
That's a very monumental achievement! Congratulations! Weight loss cannot be done overnight, as it takes a lot of patience and discipline. Good thing that there are natural and modern methods that is undeniably effective. All we need to do is to choose the ones that are true to their purpose of getting back on the scale. Cheers!