"It seems like a lot of unexplained illnesses fall under the "Fibromyalgia" blanket. Even some doctors still scratch their heads about it. When I started to have constant pain in my hips and knees, my doctor told me I had Tendinitis. I was instructed to limit my activity for 3 months and give my body a chance to heal. Well for anyone who has fibromyalgia I'm sure you are going to be able to relate to the consequences I suffered for following that advice! You can also probably relate to the melt down I had when I fell in the shower because I was so sore from inactivity. Yep, it got to the point I thought I was going to end up in a wheelchair! I was barely 40, so what the heck! My husband started searching all of my symptoms and found I had every one that goes along with fibromyalgia. Turns out, as many of you know, that the worse thing I could have done is become inactive. Go figure right! I found out quickly that even though it hurt to exercise, even in moderation, it slowly helped to be able to deal with it. I also have to watch what I eat, which I hate. Mainly sugar and caffeine and white flour, ya know all the good stuff, affect my symptoms.
Since I personally am not a prescription fan I also found that there are several supplements that greatly help. Grandma's Herbs has a package with 6 products that address several of the areas that problematic for those who suffer from fibromyalgia. Since it seems to be an auto-immune system disorder, it stands to reason to boost your immune system. Grandma's Herbs Immune Enhancer and Defense System help with that. Fibromyalgia also seems to effect the nerve endings, so I take Grandma's Herbs Nervine and B-AllCalm formula. A great and easy to assimilate herbal calcium has also been great in soothing, feeding and strengthening my nerves. So I use Grandma's Herbal Calcium formula, as well as Daily Greens to help with my vitamins and minerals intake. And finally to help with the pain, I take Grandma's Herbs Pain-aid. For me staying all natural has given me the control over my symptoms that I need. I have my good days and my bad days, but I am able to deal with it. I know so many people suffering, and they often ask me how I "deal with it". For me the answer is having the patience with myself and my limits, faith in my body to have the strength to heal, and the knowledge that I have some input in controlling my symptoms. Oh and I am sure my stubborn attitude also plays into this somewhere!
I hope my story and information can be a help to others. I know fibromyalgia, like many health issues, will affect different people in different ways and severity. How we deal with any health issue is such a personal choice. As for me, I am now almost 50 and I still refuse to loose control!
Tracey Parr
Thank you for the information and for both of you sharing such personal accounts. I am your newest follower!