Friday, June 3, 2011

5 Day Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse with Ortho Phos

5 Day Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse with Ortho Phos

Most health problems start with a toxic bowel. Any toxic waste left in the bowel can be absorbed back into the blood stream. These toxins affect every system and organ of the body. Many times they overload the liver and gallbladder causing gall stones. It is so important to cleanse the inside of our bodies! (Cleanse works best if you can time day 6 to be a weekend or day off).

What you will need for cleanse: 1 bottle of Grandma’s Herbs SUPER LAX, 2 bottles of ORTHO PHOS, 3 quarts of high quality, unsweetened apple juice, 1 lemon, olive oil and coke (optional).

DAY 1 - Eat your normal 3 meals, (meals should consist of mainly vegetables, avoid heavy meats, breads, pasta, sugary food and carbonated drinks). Along with your meals drink one quart of high grade apple juice, unsweetened, throughout the day. Take one capsule of Grandma’s Herbs SUPER LAX before bed.

DAY 2 - Eat normal meals as instructed in day one. Add 1/2 oz. of Ortho Phos to one quart of apple juice. Drink this combination throughout the day. Take 2 SUPER LAX capsules before bed. (If you experience bad cramping or watery diarrhea stay with 1 SUPER LAX).

DAY 3 - Eat normal meals as the first two days instructed. Add 1/2 oz. of Ortho Phos to one quart of apple juice. Drink this combination throughout the day. Take 3 SUPER LAX capsules before bed. (Again if you experience bad cramping or watery diarrhea take the amount that you are comfortable with).

DAY 4 - Eat normal meals as you have been instructed. Add 1/2 oz. of Ortho Phos to one quart of apple juice. Drink this throughout the day. That evening take 4 SUPER LAX capsules before bed. (Again if you experience bad cramping or watery diarrhea take the amount that you are comfortable with).

DAY 5 ( A Friday or Sunday works best) - Eat normal meals as you have been instructed. Add 1/2 oz. of Ortho Phos to one quart of apple juice. Drink this throughout the day. After your evening meal and about an hour before bed, take one cup of olive oil, the juice of one fresh squeezed lemon and one cup of coca cola (coke is optional, it covers the taste of the oil. Or you can keep the lemon rind handy to chew on to cut the oil taste). Mix the oil, lemon juice and coke together and drink quickly. (Sipping it will prolong the process, but do what works best!)  After drinking all of the mixture, lie on your right side for 30 to 45 minutes, with your knees pulled up to your chest. Because of the oil, the gallbladder will spasm and expel all of its contents including the bile and stones. An hour after taking the olive oil mixture you should take 3 SUPER LAX capsules. This will clean all the bile and stones out of the colon. In the morning and through out the day eat light meals of fruits and veggies. When your bowel empties you should see many green stones floating in the olive oil. Shortly after all of the stones and bile should be out of the colon and everything should be back to normal.

If nausea occurs: Taking one hydrochloric acid tablet at bedtime will reduce any nausea during the night. If you have a tendency to get nauseated from oil, take 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice after your dose of oil and citrus juice.     Placing a hot water bottle over the liver area (under the right ribcage) during the night also helps relieve nausea and soreness.
Note: One should not be frightened by the above references to nausea/soreness. Chances are that the symptoms won’t be severe enough to cause such discomfort as this happens rarely. Many people complete this cleanse with minimal   discomfort and nearly everyone feels better after completing it.
Adding Epsom Salt: This is to be done on day 5 only. Dissolve 1 tsp. Epsom salts  in an 8 oz. glass of lukewarm     distilled water. Drink after breakfast. Mix and drink an additional 8 oz. glass of Epsom salt and distilled water at 1:00 pm and another at 8:oo pm, for a total of three glasses full.